17 May 2007

a buzy hammy

Dear hammy,
my life seems soo busy rite now..
im resting for a while / taking a break after non-stop revision + assignment..

"0hoho~ rehat itu tanda kelalaian"

Need to rest for a snap of time only..
hammy.. i promised my Lord, my Beloved Creator to submit myself to Him.. But it seems that im not grateful for the busyness He gave me.. I tend to focus on finishing the worldly task and spent only few minutes of my life everyday for Him..

I feel really embarrassed since even the mountains high, the chirrpping birds have time to praise Him, spend time for Him..

"Indeed. We subjected the mountains [to praise] with him exalting [Allah] in the [late] afternoon and (after) sunrise. And the birds assembled, all with him repeating [praises]."

And till today, feel myself degrading . My emaan level is decreasing at an alarming rate...help me stop it..!!

'O The Most Gracious.. I seek Ur Forgiveness.. I humbly seek the need of Ur Guidance..'

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