1 - matlab (X :( )
2 - ACM L+ matlab(X :( )
3 - opti L+ matlab
4 - compBio + matlab
5 - past yearACM + matlab
6 - pastYr compBio + matlab
7 - opti L + matlab
8 - matlab - finish up
9 - submit + pYr: ACM
10 - opti-tutes
11 - ACM
12 - exam ACM+ compBio
13 - compBio L + T
14 - compBio anatomy +L
15 - Past Years compBio
16 - exam compBio + opti Abstract
17 - opti lec
9 nov - submission
12 nov- advComp -am
16nov - CompBio - pm
18nov - Optimisation -am
___________________have to meet this schedule.. huhu.. dah tertinggal dah ni.. but hope cud catch up with it.
not feeling 2 well.. but, what d fuss.. ceh..huhu
hope dat on d day of my exam, my leg and hand wont fail me.
oh, n my brain n memory as well..
bismillahi tawakallah tu