O beloved Lord.. O Allah..
all praise is only For YOU.. only YOU..
u bestowed soo much to one here each day.. and yet.. how have one repay it.. nothing...
forgive me Allah.. please do..
even today, u bestowed me extra opportunity..
u made my path to intercept with them.. with all d mad'u's..
one doesnt have the spirit to do this da'wah a step further.. but U keep on giving one encouragement..
forgive me Allah.. forgive me for going against my promise..
forgive me for giving up easily..
O Allah.. what does it take for one to get your forgiveness..?
sanggup ku terjun dari langit
sanggup ku berenang ke seberang lautan
apa saja, asalkan daku tau Engkau ampunkan diriku..
im begging to You, my only Lord.. my beloved Lord...
Please, please accept one love.. despite one ignorance..
please forgive one here.. though one kept on repeatly doing sins..
please do Allah. please do..
air mata ini mengalir hanya keranaMu..
hanya untukMu..
jika perlu daku habiskan semuanya sehingga tiada lagi upaya buat diri..
aku sanggup lakukannya...
ampunkanlah hambaMu ini.. yang hina ini..
please do..
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